Platelet Rich Plasma – PRP

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PRP -“Platelet-Rich Plasma,” is a  revolutionary new treatment for chronic  sports and musculoskeletal injuries that is  taking the sports, musculoskeletal and  orthopedic medicine community by storm.  It involves using a patient’s own blood  platelets for wound and soft tissue healing.  Professional and recreational athletes alike,  credit PRP treatment for enabling them to  get back in the game, and patients with  joint arthritis are experiencing less pain  and greater function.  

Regenerative therapy is an outpatient  procedure that is done at the point of care.  It involves the application of a  concentrated form of platelet rich plasma,  or bone marrow aspirate or adipose (fat)  tissue to the affected area. Often PRP is  used in adjunct to stem cell regenerative  therapy derived from bone marrow or  adipose (fat) cells of one’s own body.  

This therapy uses your own cells to aid and  AMPLIFY the healing process in joint,  cartilage, meniscal, tendons or muscle  conditions.  

PURE PRP GROWTH FACTORS FROM  OWN BLOOD: The growth factors are  attained directly from your own blood. It  is then processed to produce the best form  of platelet rich plasma possibly available.  Pure PRP provides the highest concentrations of growth factors without  inflammatory or red blood cell content that  may cause pain after the injection.  


Platelets are a specialized type of blood  cell that is involved in the injury healing  process. Human platelets are naturally  extremely rich in connective tissue growth  factors. Injecting these growth factors into  damaged ligaments, tendons, and joints,  stimulates a natural repair process.  


This is a generally painless procedure in most cases, and completely safe. In order  to isolate the platelets, blood is drawn from  the patient and processed with a centrifuge.  The centrifuge separates the red blood  cells from the platelets, while  concentrating the platelets (and growth  factors). The red blood cell portion is  discarded and the platelet concentrate is  injected into the treatment area. Injections  to affected area such as the tendon or joint  are performed under all aseptic and  antiseptic precautions with ultrasound or  fluoroscopic guidance to ensure proper  placement. The entire process takes less  than one hour. 


After the initial treatment, a follow up visit  is scheduled 6-8 weeks later to check on  healing progress. Some patients respond  very well to just one treatment. However,  commonly 2-3 treatments are necessary.  Injections are given every 8-12 weeks on  average. 


The level of discomfort of the treatment depends in part on the area being treated.  For example, injections are given into a joint often are minimally uncomfortable and in some cases painless. Injections given into tendons tend to be more uncomfortable.  There is usually moderate pain for the next few days. 

If you are taking Aspirin (or like products) you should stop it 7 days prior to this procedure. Please talk to your Physician.  

PRECAUTIONS: For the first week after  the injections, it is critical to avoid anti inflammatory medications, including  Advil, Motrin, ibuprofen, Naproxen,  Aleve, Celebrex, and Mobic. These will  interfere with the healing response.  Tylenol is OK. Your doctor may also  prescribe pain medication for post injection discomfort. 

WHICH CONDITIONS IS PRP BEST  USED FOR? PRP treatment works best  for chronic ligament and tendonitis  sprains/strains that have failed other  conservative treatment, including: 

Rotator cuff injuries, including partial thickness and full-thickness tears Shoulder pain and instability 

  • Tennis & golfer’s elbow 
  • Hamstring and hip strains 
  • Knee sprains and instability 
  • Patellofemoral syndrome and patellar  tendinosis 
  • Ankle sprains 
  • Achilles tendinosis & plantar fasciitis Knee, hip, and other joint osteoarthritis Degenerative Disc Bulge/Disease 

Ongoing Positive Effect of Platelet-Rich  Plasma versus Cortico-steroid Injection in  Lateral Epicondylitis: A Double-Blinded  Randomized Controlled Trial with 2 year  follow up 

Taco Gosens MD, PhD, Joost C. Peerbooms, MD,  Wilbert van Laar and Brenda L. den Oudsten,  PhD 

Outcome: After 24 and 52 weeks the cortisone  group did not maintain significantly low pain  scores, but the PRP group remained at low in both  VAS and Dash pain scores. 

Conclusion: Injection of PRP has a  positive effect as a treatment for lateral  epicondylitis. The effect actually exceeds  the effect of corticosteroids, which was  known as the golden standard. It is  therefore a worthy alternative to steroidal  injections and surgical treatment. 

Currently cell assisted regenerative  therapies, including platelet rich plasma,  are still considered experimental. Most  insurance plans, including Medicare, do  NOT pay for cell assisted regenerative  therapies. Please contact your physician or  health care personnel for more  information.